The Interactive Fiction?


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The Interactive Fiction?

文章Alice Wei 發表於 2004-05-04,9:57 am

J.D. Bolter designates that in the future, it will be possible for the appearance of the new dialogue, with the reader able to communicate with the author as well as becoming the reader as well as a writer ourselves. He even said that by then, the text on the computer would only be texts, a set of readings. However, I think that the author by then would not be an author anymore. He or she may only be a 發起人, with the others following behind him or her to finish the work. What is more, don't you think that by then many people would become famous within one night, like J.K. Rowling, or even the death of the "title" of an author? Who is the real author for the work?
As for the interactivity of the fiction itself on-line, it is not. We are interacting with the 人工智慧 or even with the work, but we are not really doing it with the author. In case the author really interacts with us continuously as readers or writers, then we are "chatting" with MSNs on-line, and we are not really interacting with the work, with the texts. Right? Would there really be an "INTERACTIVE FICTION" with existence?
This is my opinion, 請多多指教
Alice Wei
文章: 33
註冊時間: 2004-04-02,4:13 pm
來自: 輔仁大學英文系 魏如萱

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