“Williams Was Wrong” by Philip Jun Fang

版主: 若爾。諾爾, Admin

“Williams Was Wrong” by Philip Jun Fang

文章Admin 發表於 2013-06-16,2:45 pm

“Williams Was Wrong”
Written by Philip Jun Fang

Go to the country, if you please, with me,
Although Williams thinks the country will bring us no peace.

Not for the small violets that grow on furry stems
in the long grass among lance shaped leaves;
Nor for the country people would plow and sow
with flowering minds and pockets at ease;
Nor for the pursuing peace.
Not for anything, but for nothing.

Sky in the country is wider, and this is true.
The openness there is nothing and everything;
Empty pockets make rich heads if you see everything,
But empty heads if go there only for peace and see nothing.

The country will bring us no peace,
But I will go to the country, and will you go with me?
文章: 12
註冊時間: 2003-08-20,3:38 pm

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