“Seven Feet of Cloth” by Su Shao-Lian

版主: 若爾。諾爾, Admin

“Seven Feet of Cloth” by Su Shao-Lian

文章Admin 發表於 2013-06-16,4:51 am

“Seven Feet of Cloth”
Written by Su Shao-Lian, translated by Noéll Noelle

My mother only bought seven feet of cloth; I really regret that I did not buy it myself.

I said: “Mom, seven feet of cloth is not enough, we need eight feet!” My mother replied, “In the past seven feet has always been good enough, have you grown taller?” I did not respond, making her feel like she was shrinking.

On that piece of cloth, my mother outlined a version of me with the same old measurement, and slowly she cut it with scissors. I sobbed. Ah! Cut me, open me up, and then use needles and threads to stitch me up, patch me back together . . . , and make me grow up!

Poem in Chinese: 〈七尺布〉
文章: 12
註冊時間: 2003-08-20,3:38 pm

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