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Virtual Reality

文章發表於 : 2004-05-28,6:28 am
Elsie hung
Jean Baudrillard have a much more negative view of television. They see its influence and ubiquity as part of the process whereby "reality" no longer has any meaning outside television, i.e., if it's not on TV then it never really happened in any meaningful way for any of us. Television defines how we make sense of the world. Hence Baudrillard's famous claim that the Gulf war never really happened. :?:

Baudrillard thinks of simulation is very important. For example: Tv or music has greatly influenced on our daily life,and some people is easier addict to video game. It is very terrible because even adults are influenced by video game.

I think someone always mixs up between reality and fantasy. Ths is baudrillard's "simulation". :?: :roll: