1 頁 (共 1 頁)


文章發表於 : 2005-09-18,10:32 am
歡迎光臨本討論區~ :D
本課程本年度(94)不開課,預計 95 學年度會再開。

:idea: 歡迎大家造訪我的網頁 .http://www.wei1105.idv.tw

以下是去年(93)開課的課程介紹: :arrow:

This course provides some fundamental knowledge of the multimedia, computer and Internet technologies, which have greatly influenced the development of critical theories and literary texts until now. Besides the introduction to the evolution of human writing/reading interfaces from the oral to written forms, the innovations in hypertextual/interactive genres will be closely scrutinized. Special attention will be bestowed upon the convergence of postmodern theories, film aesthetics and literature. Literary texts in electronic forms, movies and commercials will be brought in to evaluate how computer and Internet integrate various forms of art. The classes will be conducted in the combination of lectures and seminars. Students are divided into several groups. They should read the assignments beforehand and give a well-prepared oral presentation, which will be the mid-term grades. Besides, they should hand in one literary experiment (e.g., hyperfiction or poem) as the final project. There is no single textbook in this course, and I will give one photocopy package to each student.