How to define "freedom?"


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How to define "freedom?"

文章賽門果樹 發表於 2004-05-22,10:44 pm

Sometimes, in my opinion, it’s difficult to define or assert whether human beings have freedom or not. It depends how much freedom you want to take into consideration. For some people’s definition, freedom is ultimate and maximal freedom. You can do whatever you want to do. On the other hand, for some people’s definition, the so-called “freedom” is under the control of a society. You can’t do whatever you want to do, but you can do whatever you want to do to yourself if your behaviors won’t cause problems to other people. Therefore, if someone says that he/she has freedom, that will depend on how he/she interpret the so-called “freedom.”
晨曦的光芒灑落大地.. 人們讚嘆她的美麗尊貴.. 以為一手可以擁有屬於她的完整美.. 卻不知.. 從何時開始.. 墮落的踐踏這額外的浪漫.. 一場最不該出現的邂遘.. 成為了日月恥笑的鬧劇.. 該等何時.. 才能再次擁抱晨曦的光芒.. 享受初戀般的悸動..
文章: 51
註冊時間: 2004-05-10,11:20 am
來自: 輔仁大學超文本電腦文學彭國書SimonPeng

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