

版主: 編選小組


文章sally 發表於 2004-05-01,1:16 am

Before I read Prey, I knew nothing about "nanometer-technology. I thought i would encounter difficulties as i read it. Luckily, i finished reading it faster than I expected. :P
When i finished reading the book, i didn't think this book has anything to do with the eletronic writing or what we learned from the lecure and textbook. However, one idea suddenly came up in my head. I suddenly realized that
(1) the idea of "nanometer technology" mentioned in
prey is similar to the idea of "interactions" between the reader and author in the hypertext. ---For the hypertext can be constructed by different people's little peieces of work("motage") just as the small unit of nanometer can construct a group that have wisdom and evolve through time. (ex. u may think one bee is dumb, but u would admire the work/home done by a group of bees.) :shock:
(2)The crisis brought by the nanometer technology---Within
Prey, we saw the consequences when those groups of nanometer units went out of control. Similarily, too much flexability or diverse branches of hypertext would also mislead the readers from their original track. Gradually, we become far too dependent on technology, then chances are that we might got trapped within the whole system we rely on. It is until that time we will reconsider the problem technology brings, just as the case in movieMinority Reports" doses. We have to be aware of those waring...[/i]
Ps. anyone interested in further information of "nonameter technology, feel free to check the website
文章: 7
註冊時間: 2004-04-28,1:20 am
來自: Fu-Jen/ English Department

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