Good or Bad Fortune?


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Good or Bad Fortune?

文章Rachel Lin (依蒨) 發表於 2005-01-28,11:05 pm

In "雙面情人," the director interlaced two distinguished stories in a movie. In the beginning, I could not understand what the director want to show us util seeing in a half of the movie. I came to be known that with the same people, the same place and the same scene, but it would develp a whole different circumstances. If the actress took the train in time, she would meet another better man than her boy friend. On the contrary, she would meet her boy friend had a affair at home after she missed the train. It's just like when we walked in the front of an intersection, we had to choose one way to go. But would we spell of good or bad fortune on the way? :?:
Rachel Lin (依蒨)

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