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文章發表於 : 2015-12-31,9:06 pm
【日本世界俳句協會(WHA)2015No.11<世界俳句>期刊】入選作品[Hwang Li]

1. 已遍照山頭       (on the hills already shined)
   相思樹花的醒悟     (the wake of Acacia’s flowers)
   晨陽才露臉       (morning sun shows his face)

2. 飛蟻舞逐光       (flying ants dancing in the light)
   列車迎撞著細雨     (train driving into the soft rain)
   暗夜追盡頭       (chasing its end in the dark night)

3. 過往的日曆       (past days on the calendar)
   小黃瓜光合作用     (cucumbers photosynthesize)
   一起吃下肚       (all swallowed together)